Tourism Hotline: 1912

Sri Lanka Tourism to launch Monkey Kingdom in China

( Posted on July 9, 2015 )

 - Overall visitor cross 94,500 at HY

 - June arrivals catapults to 81% vs LY

 - Monkey Kingdom education pack to school children

 - Monkey Kingdom to be in the Disneyland in Shanghai 


In the backdrop of overall arrivals crossing 94,585 at Half Year with China, growth registering a 81.1%, Sri Lanka Tourism will aggressively promote Sri Lanka in the Chinese market by launching the multimillion dollar success Disney epic " Monkey Kingdom" in Shanghai which will include a partnership with Sri Lanka Airlines where 20 kids will be given a free ticket to visit Polonnaruwa where the Monkey Kingdom was filmed. As at last week Monkey Kingdom box office sales at 16.7 million dollars in the US market said Athukorala.



The Consular General Sri Lanka in Shanghai Poornima Gunasekara , Chairman Sri Lanka Tourism Bureau Rohantha Athukorala, Chairman Shanghai Tourism Wang Xi Ling and Market Head for China at Sri Lanka Tourism Promotions Bureau Chinthaka Liyanarachchi.


The overall programme will be a partnership with the Shanghai Tourism a Promotion Bureau will include the education drive on responsible environment management, importance of bio diversity which is an education pack that was launched in the United States by Disney that generated 16.5 million dollars in ticket sales said Athukorala.



Sri Lanka Tourism Promotions Bureau Chairman with CCTV Director entertainment in Beijing.


We are also pursuing if there is a possibility of setting up Monkey Kingdom in the Disneyland park which is to be set up in Shanghai in 2016 said Chairman Athukorala that will give a new positioning to Sri Lanka as a tourism destination. We must attract a quality traveler from the booming Chinese out bound market which is almost 140 million travellers per year. Sri Lanka is targeting 300,000 by 2016 which is just 2% of the market he said.

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