Tourism Hotline: 1912

Sri Lanka Attracts a Record Breaking 1,274,593 Tourists to the Country in 2013

( Posted on January 9, 2014 )

Sri Lanka Tourism has validated the tourism arrival figures for each month of the year 2013 and according to the latest validation; Sri Lanka in total has received 1,274,593 tourists during the year 2013.

The new validation was carried out based on the statistics provided by the computer data collection method of Immigration and Emigration Department of Sri Lanka. The new system is a joint effort of both the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority and the Emigration and Immigration Department of Sri Lanka to ensure that the country accurately captures the tourist arrival figures.

Sri Lanka Tourism follows the standards set by the UNWTO for defining a tourist when calculating the tourist arrivals figures, which says “a person who stays at least one night in a country and does not exceed his stay period for more than 12 months”.

The newly established Electronic Data Capturing System is expected to help reduce the errors which take place when calculating the data manually. This system will come into full swing during the year 2014. Accordingly Sri Lanka Tourism took steps validate 2013 arrival data using the new system.


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